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are necessary. The V.34 standard does this using an interesting constellation. The fourdimensionalconstellationconsists of the cross product of the 192-pointconstellation shown in Figure 13.26. The 192-pointconstellation contains a 128-point cross constellationin the inner points, plus an additional 64 outer points. The inner points can be used to transmit 7 uncoded bits per symbol. The outer points are selected as close to the origin as possible (outside of the inner constellation)to minimize energy. Each of the A, B , C and D sets has the same number of points. Also, a rotation of an outer point yields another outer point. The 215 points in the constellation are obtained by concatenating a pair of 192-point constellations(which would result in a 1922point constellation,but 1922 > 215),excluding those 4D points whose correspondingpair of two-dimensional points are both outer points. There are thus 1922 - 642 = 215 points in this constellation. The inner points are used three-fourths of the time. By using the inner constellation more often, the average power is reduced compared to other (more straightforward) constellations. The average power of the constellation can be shown to be 28.0625d02, where is the minimum squared Euclidean distance (MSED) of the constellation. The peak power (which is also the peak power of the inner constellation) is 60.5di. The partition of the constellation proceeds through a sequence of steps which are illustrated in Figure 13.27. Each constituent two-dimensional rectangular lattice is partitioned into two families

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After we split the UFO dialog into a set of smaller templates, there are three more things we have to do to turn them into a property sheet: Initialize an array of property sheet structures, call the PropertySheet() function to create the control, and subdivide the original dialog message handling code into units that match the controls in each of the new dialog templates for the property pages. Here s the declaration of the PROPSHEETPAGE structure, more or less as found in the Windows CE prsht.h header file. (I eliminated some of the conditionals to make it more readable and added the comments about the uses of the members.)

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